Otis Contracts

Video Narration


Internet and social video ads for Otis Company.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
ready to sell like no one else. Quick, Think of a new service customer, commercial or residential. Okay. Ah! Hotel Manager five Star or budget. 10 floor for three floor, one unit for more. Two passengers ride often right. Questions can change everything. So we asked customers what they want out of a contract and designed a custom pricing tools and make it personal. It's built on golden questions based on behavioral research and trust us. The results are solid gold. Here's how it works. You answer the golden questions about your customer on basics like unit type or call back history on needs like rapid response or parts coverage and a deep dive info like key buyer or passenger frequency. Then the custom price tool gives you a best fit contract at the best price, the more questions you answer more tailored to fit. We still haven't told you the best part. You get to polish your pitch with options to up, sell disco and meet minimum sale price so your relationships get richer and negotiation shine. Now go make it yours