Katrina Joyner Commercial Demo Reel 2019

Profile photo for Katrina Joyner
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


A set of three homebrewed commercials as a friendly mountain/southern lady, an informative and helpful guide, and a caring service provider.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, I'm Katrina Joyner. Moisture for lips. It's essential. But for Paulson Greece, it's only a start. We're talking extra protection that last days enhanced moisturize, ation hand anti agent. So you're smackers are revitalized, so keep your lips ready to go with possum Greece. Lip balm. You know you love it. You've been there before. It's your first date with that hunk you met online. And now that you're here, he's not like his profile picture at all. Online dating can really suck, but booking a room using air hotels dot com is great. Amazing deals. Free WiFi hand. No misleading photos about bed size air hotels dot com. Save the date. Enjoy the night slammed unexpectedly by zombies You weren't planning on this. The sniffles, strep throat and zombie virus outbreaks don't make appointments. You shouldn't have to, either. You can get care right now with umbrella clinical care. No appointment needed. Just call 1 806 66 care. Tell us your location and we'll take care of it as fast as our choppers can fly. Umbrella. Clinical care. We care about our future