ELearning Demo

Video Narration


young adult , real , youthful , high energy , trustworthy , funny , cool , boy next door , millennial , confident , everyman , friendly , engaging , techy , host , quirky , witty , soldier , amusing , caring , athletic , sincere , intellectual , funny , bubbly , chipper , casual , charismatic , warm

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
account based marketing is a lifecycle marketing strategy. The accounts go through three distinct phases in the A B M acquisition, acceleration and expansion. The acquisition is where the new targeted accounts are coming to the pipeline. The copy in this phase is a meaningful engagement of the target accounts, so after acquiring the accounts need to be accelerated to move down the pipeline. In this phase, the copy will be the average deal size and average deal cycle, and the final phase will be expansion. In this phase, you will be expanding the account to deliver more revenue for your organization. The kpi for this phase will be cross sell up sell and retention rates. This shows a BM helps to align your focus across the funnel.