E-Learning Video - Steve Freedman



Narration for a a museum learning piece. Friendly, relatable and confident. Good for guided museum tour, information video, learning module.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
a coral reef is a city in the sea, home to more than 4000 species of fish living in a bustling metropolis of fantastic creatures. Jellyfish, crustaceans, turtles, sharks and snakes are all citizens of these amazing underwater communities. Coral itself makes for an ever changing landscape. In shapes and forms as diverse as any modern skyscraper. Different coral species may look like bulbous brains, wrinkled cabbages, branching antlers or futuristic buildings. Waste management is crucial for large population centres, and a coral reef is no different. Coral reefs are important ocean recycling centres, helping to ensure that precious nutrients air passed along through the food chain. Certain species of smaller fish will even waited cleaning stations to eat parasites and waste from larger fish. Like any large city, a coral reef has a day shift and a night shift, while the daytime fisher resting nocturnal hunters proud the neighborhood looking for prey. Much like a 24 hour supermarket, this split shift for shopping helps to reduce competition for food. It also makes efficient use of space, since daytime fish can rest in the empty layers of the nighttime fish. After a long night, the waters Brighton once more the start of another busy day in the life of a coral reef