Everyman Narration dynamic honest genuine confident gravitas folksy



Everyman - Trustworthy - Unassuming - Honorable - Humble - Conversational - Believable - Genuine - Articulate - Engaging - Sincere - Confident - Relatable - Spokesperson - Narrator - Storyteller - Authentic - Comedy - Empathetic - Informative - Knowledgeable - Charismatic - Intelligent - Cool - Hero

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Mr Hastings filed his first article the same saturday that Vice President Cheney shot a man in the face with a shotgun. He wrote a gossip column under a pseudonym. It's a job he took to pay the bills, pay his writing dues developed style, deadlines, the fieldwork walking knocking on doors. He loved the grittiness. However, he was embarrassed by the content. Imagine yourself eating prosciutto with burrata. Caprese and carbonara argentine while sipping vinnie rossi de multiple Ciano and emilia Romania. Or having pan con tomate Karaca harmonious Jericho while sipping tempranillo Ribera del duero in Malaga Spain. I watched roughly 75 movies about journalists, Kirk Douglas and ace in the hole and Sam Waterston in the year of Living dangerously, which was about Vietnam Julian assange and wikileaks, robert Duvall played reporter max Mercer in the Now Natural who was responsible for thrusting Roy hobbs into the spotlight. Those magnificent journalistic words. The rat, a tat tat of the keyboard. The who what? Where when? Why? How? Mr Hastings though was a man of his time when it was important for a reporter to be revered as well known as the story. It wasn't just that general McChrystal was brought down, but it was scrappy rolling stone Reporter Michael Hastings who had the scoop