Mize Heartfelt Romantic Avuncular Adventurous Sweet Love YA Fresh Fun



Trustworthy - Confidant - Sibling - Heartfelt - Romantic - Conversational - Believable - Genuine - Engaging - Sincere - Confident - Relatable - Uncle - Coming of Age - Formative - Narrator - Storyteller - Authentic - Empathetic - Informative - Knowledgeable - Charismatic - Intelligent - Cool - Love

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
for the rest of her life. She could remember this moment, this event as the moment of triumph. The moment she found herself the moment she believed in herself, the day that she pulled herself up from our bootstraps, clipped her 10 year old wings and began to fly out of the nest. From this point forward, maybe her grades would change. She might even graduate at the top of her class and received scholarships to ivy League schools. Be invited to join an East Coast sport like rowing. She might make the olympic alternate team and write about her experiences in a novel that could become Both a critical and popular success. And then perhaps you'll be interviewed by Oprah to which she could say that it all began that early evening, bottom of the 14th, sweaty intense when I beat my 16 year old brother at our homemade baseball game. It was a game we invented one on one indoor nerf, ping pong baseball.