Animation reel 2012

Profile photo for Steven Kelly
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


A reel of character voices, covering various accents, mannerisms and textures.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Stephen Kelly packs Meet face you see on evil as before in this kingdom. Theo de Champagne. From the hotel, you must say ahs. Far as we know, the end 70 is a neural tropic virus. It bears a heavy resemblance to the Rabies virus entering the brain via the peripheral nervous system and causing acute encephalitis. The best place to find a cauldron for mixing potions would be the kitchen. The moon remains full and we must keep you away from its light. Now you all die. But this be an example of any who stand in our way. Had again with the modesty. You're no mere travellers that much I've gathered mineral merchants don't wield blade as impressive as yours. Best know He left the estate and all our holdings to my younger sister. Everything. If he wasn't dead, I'd kill him again. How could you do this to me? Things have been pretty crazy lately. I figured I'd stick around and see what happened