Steve Van Beckum - Character

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A split personality? Maybe just in the studio! Whether you need a grandfather, cowboy, tough guy, husband, cartoon character, or comical sidekick...Steve Van Beckum is your guy. Actually, Steve is all of those guys! And more!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
You dug deep into my realm. But this is the end. Let's check in to see how preparations for the 2022,021 winter season are coming. I'm a metaphor for fatigue and stress on your body, determining possible causes of gastroenteritis can make you feel like you're on a safari searching for elusive G. I. Bugs at our bakery. We put a lot of care into baking fresh every day. There's a sweater, then there's the ultimate sweater. What if I told you you could have your caramel brownie and eat it too. So my guys are gonna need about $20 an hour. Oh and if you want to go over there and you know, make a donation, I think about 1000 bucks will help our insurance policy through the farsightedness of Mr Hill. The wonderful development of the northwest has been made possible.