Podcast Presenter




Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
My name is Sue Chan, and this is a light hearted piece inspired by true events. I survived one Tuesday night several years back, as I tried to fall asleep and calm a racing heart down in those late hours. I remember feeling how the sensations in my body and it's anxious and fearful state. We're not unlike those I had felt before as a young girl on a playground when my crush would make eye contact with me. How ironic is it that the physical sensations producing feelings of disgust, confusion and anxiety in me are also the same ones that happened to my body? When I feel a great deal of love and admiration for someone on the playground As a child, I was afraid to do anything that would scare them off. And so I allowed my own fears to take over, and I would freeze reflecting back. I can see how living in fear and love are both states that we choose to live into, and we get to make a conscious decision which system we want to operate out of. Spiders used to be one of my biggest fears until someone told me that we only fear them because they move so differently than us and our minds comprehend. Different as scary. We don't understand it, and so we fear it. We learn to fear it. But what if we allow a different form of existence to be just that? What if we took the time to understand the differences in those that we fear and why they exist in such a form? What if we sat with ourselves to understand where our own fears came from? What if we even learn toe love our own initial fight flight freeze response with gratitude for our mind's way of trying to protect us from something it perceived as a potential threat? What if we held space for that, thanked it without shaming our initial response, and then set it aside because right now we don't need to armor up or run from a form of existence that is different than our own. What if we open our hearts and expand our minds to see all forms of existence as beautiful? What if we could set aside our own fearful beliefs, toe lean into curiosity, compassion and love? What if we choose to intentionally live each day from this openhearted place that makes space for all variations of life to exist beautifully, just as they are