I know Hindi, english and gujarati. Expertise in voice over artist

Profile photo for Sushmita Tiwari
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Voice Assistant


I have contributed my voice over a girl who is obsessed with the animal love and care. She is very protective when comes to animals. She is young and from very age she decided to open a shelter home for the animals. She got a dream now to fight for animal's right.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (Hinglish) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello everyone and Namaste. So today I'm gonna tell you about the story of a girl who is kind free spirited and a brave girl. She is being called an animal lover because she loves to spend the time with them. She fights for them when cruelty being seen. She fights for their rights and welfare in the society like us. Animals are also a living beings on art how some can ignore that they have also right to live in the society on the earth She owns and rescued the 20 kids and some of dogs are rescued by her and put them in a shelter home. She gave them a shelter some of the kids she is taking care in her house itself because she believes they are also beings on earth like humans and nothing is wrong in that to fight for them. She has got a dream to make a shelter home for animals now she has far to go. So finally I must say she has a dream and she's the dream girl of for animals like her I must say animals will find a safe place to trust in this cruel world. Thank you for listening me very patiently