Veriserve introductory video

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I narrated this video about Veriserve, a software verification company. It was produced and recorded at a professional studio in Tokyo.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
it. It all began in 1983 when CSK Corporation, now s C SK Corporation, commissioned software testing for a new development project. Since then, for more than 35 years, very serve has become the leading company for software verification, making full use of the technology experience and know how we have gained to provide a wide range of products, from verification to quality assurance. Consulting Way have contributed to improving the quality of all systems by answering the various needs of our customers. Going into the 19 nineties with the progressive digitization of consumer products, many products using software emerged from mobile phones, GPS systems, TVs, DVD recorders and video game consoles. This has resulted in many social concerns for problems that may arise from the emerging technology, and the focus for quality software development has become more important than ever. Vera Serve has verified countless software during this period of uncertainty and is now an indispensable part of society from everyday products such as smartphones, APS and digital cameras to medical, automotive and aerospace products that require a high level of reliability security systems that ensure the safe and secure use of services products that incorporate the latest technology from mass case I O T. AI and five G in response to the needs of the next generation. From systems to services. We have worked with more than 1000 companies to date and have contributed to the quality of products and services in a wide range of industries and fields. They're serve strength in creating quality of products and services. This is our commitment for total support for quality improvement throughout the entire development process Way don't stop at testing the operation of software products and systems, but go further to provide precise and reliable services throughout the entire software and product development process from upstream to downstream from defining requirements. Testing Launch to follow UPS way also offer a variety of solutions for security and other non functional testing to provide accurate and reliable services. Vera serve additionally, has an extensive range of proprietary support tools for these services. Quality forward AH cloud based testing management tool that accelerates test management and quality activities. Test structure. The industry's first test analysis and design support tool contract, a system development traceability management tool way also support agile development and test automation, which is expected to expand in the future. Another strength of Vera serve is our commitment to the further development of verification technology. For example, we've launched services using V S Method, which utilizes our accumulated verification technology. This'll not only standardizes our testing methods, but also serves as the basis for further technology development. In addition, we conduct research activities in cooperation with academic institutions and related organizations to come up with the best solutions to our customers. Verification needs that change with the times working towards the goal to equip all engineers with the necessary skills. Vera Serve has programs that incorporate the knowledge and advanced skills that prepare engineers with the required training for technical certification and a wide range of skills even in fields where lives are at stake, we have accumulated the technical expertise and experience to gain the trust from top companies in various industries with the necessary capabilities needed to create the products and services of the future. In an increasingly complex I t. Society always improving the quality of our products and services, we continue to challenge the unknown in pursuit of creating quality, creating quality of products and services. Vera serve