Animation Character Reel

Profile photo for Tanner Rawlings
Not Yet Rated


This is an example of the vocal range I can go for a cartoon character or animation.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I hold the power of Valhalla. The fact that you even think you can defeat me is hilarious. Yes I still got it. Mm Well according to my calculations you have a one chance of not being a total *********. Um I'm pretty sure I know more about trigonometry than the professor. Oh hey blake. That's a nice jersey you have on? Is that new? Oh why why would you do this to these people? They've done nothing to you. I thought I could trust you. Oh come on. It'll be fun. Just me and you running the waves of love. Mhm. Just walk on in. There's nothing to be scared. What is that? Did you just call me? Pretty Yeah. Thanks. But I already knew that.