Radio Ad


commercial dialogue samples

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
honey, should we get floor five of these peaches? Did you just say floor or five? Forgive me, but no. I said floor five, not floor five. You just did it again. Forget about it. What about these Florida oranges? Such a great time. Yep. It was besides the fact that you beat us. Come on. It's not just about winning the race or the fundraising. It's also about the experience. No, I know. And now we're pink warriors in the fight against breast cancer. I have 19 people for this year already. Just need one more. You want to join my team? Know? Because we're gonna be you this year. Bring it on. I'm serious. Like we're gonna annihilate you. All right. Um, you watch it. A movie? No, no, no, no. Ah, TV. Yes, Yes, OK. His brothers with Bert Rhymes. With Bernie, they have great savings all the time. Oh, Arnie's earning TV furniture and appliances. We are so good. Yeah, I married you. Not all this stuff, but this is me. A telephone shaped like a football. A popcorn maker. Bowling trophies winds drastic, champ. Two years in a row, it's time for a garage sale Honey, What are you doing? Just cleaning out the trunk. Got to make some room. For what? Real Canadian superstores. No tax event. You know, maybe we should get a bigger car.