Genuine, Uplifting Women in Business Web Spot

Video Narration


A holiday spot I did last year supporting Women Owned Businesses with Secret.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When a woman's business thrives, she earns more than money. She gains power, influence and the opportunity to define her own future. This holiday secret believes it should be no sweat to support women owned businesses, from breweries to boutiques to bakeries, these women put in equal work, yet their businesses receive less than 5% of overall revenue. That's why Secret is proud to support women owned Wednesday. On December 4th, we're asking you to make one purchase at a women owned business in store or online. If everyone in the U. S. Spends $10 it would add up to over $1 billion of powerful change. Visit at secret deodorant to find women owned businesses to support equal work. Equal sweat, equal possibilities secret, all strength, no sweat.