Upbeat, Genuine Business Explainer

Video Narration


A web explainer introducing the company Reputation.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
reputation. Doesn't matter, said no business ever. In fact, today, reputation does matter more than ever, and it's also never been harder to control at reputation. We've spent the last decade creating an advanced listening platform that captures all interactions and every single piece of feedback a business receives from All Star ratings to every social media comment way were the first to understand the power of feedback. Today we take all sentiment data and turn it into actionable insights that drive every customer interaction from unsolicited feedback across your digital channels. To prompted surveys from Google business listings to social media comments and everything in between way managed tens of millions of interactions across hundreds of thousands of customer touch points and give you the automated tools to deliver a better customer experience. By responding to feedback in real time with reputation, you'll show up and stand out in the places that matter. Learn more about how we help businesses feed their best comment post like review. Reputation