Political VO Demo

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A compilation of political spots.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I want to tell you about the race for state Senate in North Pulaski County and my friend Jane English Jane English has fought hard to keep taxes low while keeping our state's budget balanced. I'm so proud of Jane. English is solid record, and you should be to smear campaigns. Mudslinging, twisting the truth. Why do politicians resort to such underhanded tactics? Do they really think it helps their campaign this election season? Advocate for a clean election process paid for by the Committee for Cleaner Elections? Jobs are leaving the state and record numbers, while John Jacobson continues to be an outspoken advocate for outsourcing. Keep jobs where they belong in state vote. Nadine Ronald for a better economic future. When Republican politicians helped shift jobs overseas, they weren't thinking about our families or our jobs. They were thinking about their special interest donors. You send a message to Washington loud and clear. Focus on the economy and jobs. Show the taxpayers that Congress can work again, do the right thing for our economy and support the Exim Bank