2018 Commercial Demo

Video Narration


Friendly, professional, repeatable, smooth delivery found in this commercial demo.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Armenian North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
ice cream inspired iced coffee is here. A Dunkin in flavors you love cookie dough, pistachio and butter pecan. What's your flavor? America runs on Duncan. A line between work and life hasn't just blurred. It's gone. That's why you need someone behind you. Not just a card, an entire support system. So no matter where you're going, you were right there with you. The powerful backing of American Express. Don't do business without it. Don't live life without it. You'll wait. The dishwasher Bosch designed the perfect diamond engagement ring in just minutes. You'll have the rest of your life to design the perfect husband. Visit a diamond is forever dot com. If you're looking for a house, you should be looking for a mortgage. Go to better dot com to mortgage right? Start by finding out how much house you can actually afford.