Too White?

Profile photo for Terry-Ann White
Not Yet Rated
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A white teenaged girl shown in her best form.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Okay, so like corny, this is something that you just cannot. I mean okay, so I called him and he was like, hey baby, I like you. And I was like, I like you too. But I was like, not feeling him because he was so like white, I really don't like him to white because he's like white, white, like clay and white. And then he said to me and I was like, I'm not sure because I was supposed to go with Marcus, but Marcus is going with lisa and lisa is an absolute *****. And and I was like, oh my God, I just called her a bit and he was like, don't worry babe, I want to go with you, can I at least take you out to dinner? And I was like, no, I was like, why is he asking me to take him out? Why is he going to take me out of dinner if I don't want to go to the prom with him? And I'm like, oh my God, will he just shut up and get off my phone? Oh my God, like get off my phone. But then I remember that he had like a six pack and I love his six bag, so I think I'm gonna go with him. Toodles, talk to you later, Bye. All