Best of 2019

Profile photo for Marilla Wex
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


This is a compilation of my best work from 2020 and shows my range from the Mojang 10 Things You Didn't Know About Minecraft to Jaguar Radio commercials to Audiobook narration.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (England - Liverpool, Manchester, Lancashire, Cheshire) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Yeah, yeah. Hello there. My name is and welcome to 10 reasons. The end German is a total kitty. Wait. Wrong video. I mean, welcome to 10 things you probably didn't know about Hostile Nam's What's deadly. A fully grown adult zombie. You're an adorable babies on being. If you thought it was the adult zombie, then congratulations. You're already dead. Baby zombies are 30% faster than adults. Zombies. How terrible! What could be causing the adult on dead to be so slow and unhealthy? I've computed together a list of tips to improve the health of all our adult zombie viewers. You're welcome. Middle aged flesh munches a sports car for five with up to 550 horsepower and room for everyone and everything. The Jaguar F pace is the luxury performance SUV for the entire family. Hurry in to take advantage of our limited time offers. The open road awaits at least the 2019 Jaguar F pace for $448 per month for 42 months, with $6000 down at 1.9%. Visit your lower mainland Jaguar authorised retailer for details. Offer ends September 30. Harassment and bullying can distract us from our work and create a culture of fear. Workplaces free from this sort of behaviour see benefits at all levels as individuals. When we respect each other, we feel safe at work and our well being and mental health improve. This means we feel happier. We're able to do our jobs to the best of our abilities and take fewer sick days. Mhm. For those who believe in the things that they do a belief with good deeds, good things will come true for those that helped the old and the young. The far away hero whose stories unsung If you say to yourself if only they'd see the need that is here for these rivers and trees will take to the skies will take to the seas We'll take to the road for your story of bees. For those whose day is driven by hope, you need moving stories. You need story scope. Did you hear that, Stewart? Here? What? Love tunes Furnitures are having a black Friday event this Friday and all weekend. Which that then you're not awake yet? Are you black Friday? You know they'll have big reductions on all kinds of furniture. We're going. Going where? Oh, never mind. Yes, We all love a mooch at tunes. When you were younger, you used to play dead. Sometimes when I knocked on your door in the morning, I'd see you there with the light streaming in through the window and you'd be pretending not to breathe. Your eyes would be closed and you'd be so still terrible fear would come over me that this time maybe it wasn't just playing this time. Maybe it was real. I'd want to rush in and shake you until your eyes opened. It's just a fees your dad used to tell me. Children do all sorts of things that don't make sense to adults. He never understood how scary it was. Hi. Thanks for calling morning glory. If you're hearing this, we hope we're closed. If we're not, we're just incompetent. Please leave for some message and we'll get right back to you.