Internet video: Careers page

Video Narration


Woman of color, approximately 30 years old. Conversational, but projects energy and has some texture to her voice.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When we say we have a mission at Kiva, it isn't just a buzzword or an abstract idea. We mean we're doing work that helps everyday people all around the world improve their lives from the farmer looking for a loan to purchase vital equipment to countries in need of technological infrastructure. We're creating a more inclusive world, one where everyone can access the financial services they need to build a bright future. We're doing this with creative approaches, innovative research and cutting edge technology, using distributed ledger solutions like Blockchain rebuilding a digital identity system in Sierra Leone, one of the poorest countries in the world, this system is creating new economic opportunities and turning Sierra Leone in tow. A model for other countries and, of course, are crowdfunding. Platform provides students, entrepreneurs, women and refugees with millions of dollars in loans every week. Speaking of our impact, everyone who works at Kiva gets the chance to see our work firsthand during an immersion trip. Whether you're an engineer, a marketer or an investment manager, you'll be able to visit one of the countries were working in and meet some of the people whose lives have been affected by what we do back at home. You'll get the chance to work on projects that are breaking new ground, and you'll help us implement them on a truly global level with offices around the world, our team is as diverse as the countries we work in. We value those differences there would help us solve big problems. And in case you're worried, Kiva is all work and no play. We promise we know how to have fun to our global offices. Feature friendly dogs and people plus tons of great snacks, a lunch club where you can really get to know your co workers and whatever is going on here. We'll explain that one another time. So if you're looking to feel inspired, solve interesting problems at a global level, work with genuinely kind people and get paid to join us, we need more amazing people to help us make finance more innovative, more human and more inclusive.