Villain Delivers Evil Speech To His Enemies

Profile photo for Tommy Rodriguez
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This is an audio sample of a fictional villain as he taunts his adversaries for attempting to ruin his evil plans. I recorded the audio from a copyright-free script and used my own creative vision as to how the character was to be portrayed and the tone of voice he is displaying

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's a shame you've come so far in your quest only to be defeated at the hands of mere pawns. Who do you fools think you are, Anyway? That minute horse skeleton was hard to find. You know he was my favorite, and for that you'll pay dearly come to think of it. I do seem to be short. A few undead servants now. How would you like to join the ranks of my minions? Oh, it won't be so bad. You'll never have to eat, sleep or contemplate your meaningless existence ever again. What am I saying? You don't have a choice now. Hold still, and I'll only make this hurt to a moderate degree.