British character Reel II: cartoon/animation/anime/child/young boy/TV



Vocal styles: British - Alien - American - Animation - cartoon - character - child - cockney - commercial - Cornwall - Film - Grandfather - kids - movie trailer - posh - radio - Scandinavian - Scottish - Somerset - sports - Movie Trailer - comedy - video game - tv promo - westcountry

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (US Mid-Atlantic) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
if you want it so aptly amount. Oh, hello. Welcome new player. I see you're interested in free spins. Well, worry no more. That's going to surprise them. They'll expect you to be the rubbish is ever. And then I'll come along and knock them dead. Well, I don't like history. It's boring. Ancient evil appear from land engulfed by pain. When I was a kid, I remember me and my dad used to kick a football around in the park from the get out off the house. Now he will shoot. Get down! Which of you two last one moment to do now? So I'm unlikely now to travel in the way that I long to. I'm reluctant to even travel outside of my particular area because it's only then that drones will be able to fulfil their huge potential. Helping. Emergency crews arrived prepared. Our lives were getting there, but our it's getting sick. Cars and factories make the air dirty. There's a very special in precise feeling that comes with experiencing something for the first time. He just doing it