British Male (Neutral/BBC/RP) Corporate: conversational/narration/uk

Video Narration


trustworthy, friendly, articulate, authoritative, believable, clear, commercial, confident, genuine, informative, medical, motivational, narrator, natural, professional, real, relatable, scientific, serious, technical, upbeat, uplifting, warm, business, online video, animation, presentation

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - South East - Oxford, Sussex) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the business balancing act is more complicated than ever before. But supporting businesses through the good times and the complex times is in our DNA as we navigate a changing world together, opening up a world of opportunity. The massive shift in how modern businesses must approach it plays out every day in unrelenting, whiplash inducing, challenging ways. A cutting edge business is like a popular restaurant. If the right people don't have the right solutions, chaos can ensue. Our electricity system is changing. A zero carbon energy system will rely on the UK, increasing the amount of renewable generation from thing like wind turbines and solar panels. This is great for our environment, but we also need a reliable source of electricity when the wind isn't blowing or the sun shining. We live in an age of hybrid, working where wellness is now taking centre stage and we've realised mind is just as important as body support for your organisation now means rethinking what your teams need and how and when they need it. Let's go beyond business as usual, discover businesses that utilise their enterprise knowledge to systematically adapt to market conditions, exploit opportunity and Dr Value as never before possible