Character Demo



Sampling of VoiceOver characters

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Who am I? I'm the war necessary to bring the peace on the vengeance around every corner. The shadow whose weapon is a swift and deadly sword. The justice that this world needs your hasn't aged well old man. Not well at all. I'm surprised you were able to carry my blow with such a puny weapon. I have your bio data. I have my original plan. I will sift the world's ashes to find him if I have to tell me or fall. Honey. Did you see what they were putting into the old drug store? Building? An arcade? I mean, I knew was getting all techy now but an arcade fluid. 02 racing. They give us everything we need to keep us docile and they call it a life. But this is not living my first day as a member of the 501st it was hot. It was sandy, chaotic. Nothing at all like the simulations on Camino. Of course, that's pretty much the way it was for all of us, wasn't it? Will you tell our daughter? Tell her? I'm sorry. I know how much the holidays mean to her and I hate to let her down. Just tell her, tell her, I love her when you finally lose sight of these childish notions of being a hero. Then and only then will you earn your blade and truly become a Marwood?