Medical Explainer



With several doctors in my family, I not only have a strong grasp on medical terminology, but also easy access to make sure pronunciations are correct the first time. Features excepts from medical training videos, patient and doctor explainers, corporate medical videos and more.

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
a look at the Coronas section of the heart at this stage reveals the atrial ventricular canal through which blood flows into the left ventricle from the atria where it travels up the Conus Courtis and through the single orifice of the trunk, is arterial ASUs. Blue Sky Telehealth is a network of highly experienced specialist physicians who work directly with your clinical team. Let's take a closer look at the circulation within the fetal heart between Week eight and birth on the right side and parallel to the septum prime, Um, and in vaginal nation of the posterior atrial wall develops known as the septum. So condom at Andrews Institute. It's our job to turn your kid into a comeback kid. The tethering structures, the papillary muscles grow from the myo cardio. Each valve leaflet will eventually anchor to these papillary muscles via threadlike fibrous tissues called Corday. 10. Today, maybe you're prescribing a Novartis product and want to find out about its side effects, or you want to help your patients get access to one of our products. Or perhaps you have a patient who would be a candidate for Novartis Clinical trial on the right side in parallel to the septum. Prime. Um, Annan, vaginal nation of the posterior atrial wall develops, known as the septum. So Gundam at Emory Health we feel like taking a moment to listen could change everything. Changing to a superior view. We can get a better look at the development of the pulmonary artery, using a plane to cross section. That common trunk helps demonstrate this process. We're uncovering cancers, deepest secrets with incredible advancements in genomic testing. When you first came into the world, a doctor was there making sure you were safe and healthy. You hear that? That's the sound of a doctor actually listening as you discuss your health goals. Refreshing, isn't it? Hello, I'm Dr Sit Away. It doesn't matter how old you are. The squatty potty creates a healthy bathroom posture. This relaxes the pube erect Alice, which aligns the colon for fast and complete a limit nation. You know what? You'll poop better