I worked for a local radio station selling ads, voicing and producing.

Profile photo for Tracie Lewis
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This small flooring company is way out on a back road. I wrote this ad, voiced and produced it and presented to client as a spec spot. They loved it and have been runinng it on and off for over 5 years.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Country floors and Plainfield is a family owned and operated complete flooring company, with a wide variety of products from carpet, vinyl, ceramic tile, hardwood, laminate flooring, area rugs and even countertops. And they do all the installation with their experienced in house crew, enjoy the ride and beautiful scenery down to country floors at 4 71 Hollister Hill Road and Plainfield Way out on a country dirt road. Not easy to find, but definitely worth finding. That's country floors 4547301.