Animation demo tape



This demo tape showcases my animation reel, a range of energetic and over the top characters.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General) Russian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Travis Carry. Hey, kids, If you eat me, you'll girl big and strong. I ate my entire family and look at me now. I'm have a ripped. That's you, bumbling idiot! Get me that rabbit barrage will put you in this. Do instead. Oh, right away. The host. Paul. Get that Robert Rosa. Why off, Owner within and view without. Remember the Paladins when they hope you don't buy the length of cheaper. I'm a clown clown off the post to be happy. The once the but Anita is fully charged. The whole world was smell as wonderful as I do. Ah, I'll never surrender. Okay? I give up. I shall burn and skewer them. That said them to the fiery. I'm giving you two hours to get the money to me. So you're gonna be having a free makeover courtesy of my fist. I cannot wait to wrap my laws around our neck. My name's good and you're not getting paid me. Wait, Don't run. Group Kindred days fished. Where are my keys? Oh, butter. Nuts. They're inside the car.