2017 Game/Anime Demo



Julie Shields Game & Anime Demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
For the first time, I was lost. Truly lost. Where are we? Could you please tell me which star system were in? I don't recognize the stars. If I could just find a known point of reference. You are nothing to me now. I mean, at what point did we not realize we were designing our own obsolescence? I am intelligent. I am precise. But I am capable of feelings just like anybody else. Maybe you've noticed, commander, that I'm kind of warming up to you for really? You get to play that card. That was a traveling preacher of Acton. A big fella named Reverend Jim. Life is one long Satch for fun. Take a spin at the Royal. You might get lucky They did this to me. Don't die for 50. It is for me unimaginable that you people choose to live like this. Wow, It's all the bulls. Run, run, run! Listen, I think it's time I get a promotion