True Crime | Mysterious - Provocative - Investigative - Sensational

Profile photo for Galena White
Not Yet Rated


Energetic and exciting, fun loving and informative, engaging and entertaining, British Accent, Informative, Fun, Education, Competition. British and American Young girl, Teen, Young adult. Millennial and relatable. Conversational and Edgy. Fun sound, excitable and engaging. Multiple Accents

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Mm. We live in an age where cameras capture practically everything in our lives. They protect our homes and our shops, but they can't always protect us. For the family of 19 year old Melanie Goodwin, cameras would prove a blessing and a curse as investigators searched them for answers. I now have a vehicle I can look for. Now, as her family comes to grips with the truth, they will provide vivid clues to her death. It's the semifinals in time for the designers to really step outside the box and show the judges something new and different. How are they taking risks and really trying something new and different to wow us? The judges have their work cut out in choosing the winning shed design, often referred to as one of the most gorgeous and exotic of Hollywood's leading ladies. Heady Lamar made a number of well received films during the 19 thirties and forties, 1942 she and her friend, the composer George Antheil, received a patent for an idea of a radio signalling device to keep enemies from decoding messages. Their system was important to the design of a little device we use to pay attention to film stars of Today. The cell phone Normally content to stay in their burrows for the winter, Lotte and her cubs now found themselves exposed. The unexpected warm spell had flooded the area so severely that they would have to travel many miles to find stable enough soil to create a new den. Between here and there, enormous dangers lurked in Hollywood. No one flinches at making movies about murder, global annihilation or zombie cannibalism. But one subject strikes fear into the hearts of producers and directors. Menopause. It's like anything. There are films and scripts and what have you? They're not for everybody. So when Salma Hayek was asked to reprise the role of Milly, she had one condition but her character be on intimate terms with the hot flashes and mood swings familiar to women, not zombies in their forties and fifties. The part was very straight, not funny.