Lou Lambert Diversity, Variety, Accents,

Profile photo for Lou Lambert
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


A Demo of a variety of different accents that I am able to perform. Helps to break up characters.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Australian British (General) North American (General) Spanish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
offer. Got six. Mom, you've been there before. Why would you want to do it again? I'll tell you once. Don't you ever betray me? I think we can do business. You must be very patient. That is not the way Japan does things around here. Well, of course, George, Who will get to that in just a moment? But you really don't have what it takes to you. Hey, you gonna eat that slice of pie? Would you like me? Do we leave you of that caloric burden? You know now, Bobby, I was just thinking the other day. Why don't you get a real job? What you're doing right now, you're wasting your life away. Ah, that's good. Very good. This is what you've always wanted from Mother Russia. Correct? Oh, season are we have plenty of that Iran here. But over there in the cantina, you'll find nothing like that over there. So I I made a mistake. What is that so bad a father can want what he wants for his daughter. Ah, you don't know bupkis. Good. I love What are you thinking when you look at your wristwatch? A my light and my early Maybe it's time to take a vacation down under. Rachel told us that God was the creator in heaven and that God sent her brother to tell us the good news. If actions are by intention, what is a man of action? Ella Grace? The new fragrance for men Heart attack showed me how to climb atop the walnut tree for the greenest parts. He taught me out the car with painted on shoot it.