Animation, video game, radio and video narration voiceover actor

Profile photo for Angela Hinton
Not Yet Rated


This animation demo shows some of the voices I can do. I can also voice match Marilyn Monroe, Eva Gabor, and Katherine Hepburn.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


British (General) North American (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, I'm Angela Hinton. I'd love to take you on a tour of Hollywood with me. Welcome to Princess tours. So I answered the phone this one time and it was a tele tele tele marketer and I sang it to him and I told him all about the day I have with my big sister and he hang it up on me. Oh, who are you? Yeah. In my day we didn't have all these dances like hip hop and pop and lock if I want to pop and lock. All I do is pop in an Advil and lock my walker. Alright, is that an arcade over there? Cool. Now I can beat the high score on Attack of the slime monsters And now studio backlots. I hate to interrupt but I mean the MGm Lion and I've been out of work since the reorg. Excuse me sir. I know this is Disney but we already have a grumpy. Oh honey, you're so cute. I just thought I'd take a picture. Oh, grab that guy over there. You two make such a cute couple. Cary Grant and I made such a cute couple until he started making me laugh right before I had to cry on set. My tears were actually coming from laughing so hard and I got so mad at him. Well, I thought Oliver was joking about buying some green acres because I just adore a penthouse view the last penthouse party I went to, we talked about walt Whitman. I just love his chocolates. But gentlemen prefer blondies. Well, I'm not quite sure about that, but an american actually asked me whether Buckingham was a place where they did rodeos with pigs. I have a feeling we're not at MGM anymore, auntie em. Oh, your house was replaced with an anti ants. Oh, wonderful. Pretzels though. Somewhere over the freeway. Oh, that will never do. I just want to play me music. Honey. Just don't play it so loud. So it sounds like a dog cart his tail under the rocking chair. So I listened on my iphone that I got on rodeo drive with daddy's plastic, but it stopped working. So now I'm on the phone with Hello, this is texas Tech support. How are you doing, y'all? And on that note, we end our tour. Have an enchanted day.