Ad/promo for audiobook by deep voiced and articulate male in English.

Profile photo for Vincent De Luca
Not Yet Rated


This was an audition to narrate and produce an audiobook (\"Blogging for Beginners\", by Christie Williams and Carlton Brand) I submitted via the ACX platform.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
are you ready for a step by step blogging book that goes above and beyond. In showing you how to start grow and monetize your blogging. Dream. Look no further blogging is just the book for you, blogging has been around for over two decades yet. It has never been more popular or profitable than it is right now with our modern understanding of digital marketing, social sales and strategic content. Writing anyone who is passionate about sharing their message with the world can turn their blog into a massive success in blogging for beginners. We go over a step by step process to conceptualize brand launch and grow your blog. Whether you're looking to earn a part time profit or a full time income, you will discover exactly what you need to do inside of blogging. Some of what we cover specifically includes the process of branding your blog. So you tell your audience a cohesive story how to choose your platform. Wordpress versus click and build websites tips for writing an about me page that converts your audience, the anatomy of a blog post and how to write binge worthy content, what S. C. O. Is and how to leverage S. C. O. To maximize your organic growth, detailed tips from marketing your blog, both online and offline step by step methods for creating your A. To Z. Blogging strategy so you know where to start and what specific steps to take and when. Plus so much more. There has never been a better or easier to follow book to help you get started with blogging. We leave no questions unanswered as we document the exact steps you need to take in order to grow your blog from idea to scalable income, Pick up your copy of blogging today and discover just how easy it is to take your idea and turn it into a dream blog. Regardless of what has held you back so far, you will realize just how easy it is to take action and put your content out there for the world to see. It's easy when you know exactly what to do when and how grab your copy today.