Narration Demo



Excerpts from several audiobooks and business narration

Vocal Characteristics




British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the sound of a dirt bike interrupted her, looking at the figure dressed in black, with a helmet covering his features. She waited. Oh! And James insisted on coming along, Jeanette handed him a small pack. Aubrey shrugged, one guy. What could it hurt then A Quinault came running out. Where are you going? Sorry, Quinn, I'm We're going after Brooke and Dante. His gaze shot to the other rider, then back to her. The hurt on his face was clear. He nodded and stepped away. Very well, my friend, I shall wait here for your return. He glanced back at Jeanette. I will ensure the safety of your friend. We live in an environment that is comprised of both natural and artificial objects. The former is comprised of God's creations which manifest themselves in all their varieties in a state of perfection, order and beauty. While the latter consists of creations of men which exhibit the frailties and imperfections common to humankind. I shall take the liberty of giving my opinion with respect to the practicality and probable effect of further operations in this quarter. I think that with the force at present under my command, I can leave south Carolina insecurity Aviva's unified Operation center for marine converges shipyard information from ship building projects, real time operating vessel data and key performance indicators using a system of systems approach to provide the ultimate enterprise visualization. View of marine operations until the summer of his 14th year franklin. Roosevelt led a life has charmed as anyone could hope for. His father was rich affording the sun the best education America could provide opportunities for travel to the posh spots of europe and access to the highest circles of american wealth and power. His mother doted on him. Nothing was too good for her only son. His distant cousin Theodore Roosevelt happened to be the president of the United States, and cousin Theodore became uncle ted when franklin married Eleanor Roosevelt. Today we know BMW as one of the premier luxury vehicle brands. Its name is synonymous with unparalleled performance and style, and owning a BMW is one of the ultimate status symbols among elite automobile connoisseurs. But the history of BMW is almost as interesting as what's inside each top notch engine. Alistair Chandos, Duke of stroud! Welcome the drum major into his office with a hearty handshake and a cheery. Can I offer you some tea? It's dreadfully called out, pale morning like bathe the large and perpetually cluttered room, put several stories over the quiet streets of Mayfair. A thick carpet muffled their steps, and steam curled from the t part. Thank you, You're great! The drum major, a tall, wiry man with a dusting of gray in his hair, inch toward Alistair's desk as though it might bite him. He watched Alistair. Poor with nearly tangible dread, sugar Alistair asked Cream. Oh, no, no, thank you. You're great