US African American, Informative, Conversational, Believable, Genuine

Television Ad


A sample of an add to law enforcement and other first responders' logistics departments to integrate better technology in their everyday lives, improving the bottom line and saving lives.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Law enforcement. What if your police officers could immediately intervene safely and discreetly when excessive force is being applied by other officers? What if your police officers were able to request vital medical treatment and save a life before it's too late? What if your police officers could significantly reduce crime rates because of the continuous disruption in criminal activity caused by patrols within targeted areas of your cities? You can easily using verbosity, Zmapp, it snap, it, send it. And automated workforce deployment tools with verbosity, innovative mobile reporting and task deployment automation solution. We believe in healing communities. Through technology with verbosity XEM S s, you'll receive real time secure point to point notifications with photos and locations to support the reported issues with verbosity is A W. D. You'll receive up to the minute boundary data plus optimization of workforce operations to improve efficiency and productivity. A W. D. Automatically assigns and manages patrol tasks to the commanding officer within app. Gps routing, Facilitating an immediate on scene response verbosity. Makes implementation quick with a simple interface that requires little to no training or special equipment and doesn't interfere with your officer's duties. Combining the strengths of verbosity, M. S. S and A W. D. Allows your officers to promote police compliance, accountability and transparency. This provides a safety net and minimizes risk to officers and liability to police departments. To see if our service is right for your law enforcement agency or to learn more visit our website at verbosity dot com or email sales at verbosity dot com cleanliness? What if community and public works departments could work together to create a cleaner and safer neighborhood? What if you could utilize crowd source reporting insights all around the city? You can easily buy verbosity, zmapp, it snap it, send it. And automated workforce deployment tools with verbosity, innovative mobile reporting and tax deployment automation solution. We believe in keeping communities safe and clean with verbosity. M S s, you'll receive real time secure point to point notifications with verbosity is a W. D. You'll receive real time tracking and optimization of workforce operations. To improve efficiency and productivity. A W. D automatically assigns and manages tasks that are accessible to the nearest available resource within app. GPS, routing verbosity, M S s and a W D can be implemented quickly with a simple interface that requires little to no training and no special equipment. Combining the strengths of verbosity, MSs and a W. D allows citizens and government to promote a cleaner and safer community. To see if our service is right for your government or to learn more, visit our website at verbosity dot com. Or email sales at verbosity dot com