Infomercial (Southern Accent)

Television Ad


Infomercial (Southern Accent)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I still can't believe a seven second ritual helped me drop £95 without diet or exercise. I was in a bad place and needed to drop inches sooner rather than later. I had tried every fad diet in the world with no success. I just kept yo yoing all the time. Until the day I met my friend Jessica and she revealed the secret that helped her me and could help any man or woman to effortlessly drop pounds and inches without giving up their favorite food or doing long boring workouts. I hadn't seen her for months and the last time we met, she was a C Size 20 for this time I didn't recognize her because she was now size 14. It seemed to happen so quickly. I told her I was feeling down about myself. I had no energy when getting out of bed. I felt self conscious all the time and I just didn't feel healthy. I wanted to regain my energy levels and feel confident about myself again. I wanted to be able to smile, feel energetic and not be worrying about how I look to others. Most of all, I wanted to improve my health because the last time I went to my doctor, he told me I was prediabetic. I begged Jessica to tell me what she had done and she told me about this seven second rituals she discovered online. I was skeptical at first, but I tried it out and was simply um amazed by the results by following this simple ritual. I was able to naturally raise my core body temperature, which in turn triggered a reaction that supercharge my metabolism. You see, the latest research has found that the men and women with unexplained weight gain had one thing in common a low core body temperature, which is the temperature of your internal sales. In fact, scientists have found that the lower your core body temperature, the slower your metabolism. To say that I'm excited by the results is an understatement. I feel energetic, confident and more fit than I ever have and that's without having to give up my favorite foods or follow a strict exercise routine. I am forever grateful to Jessica for sharing this discovery with me. If you two would like to see this work for you, then click on the link below to discover more about this unique method.