Narration Demo - Chad Livingston



This demo provides an example of my ability to perform narrations and instructional videos.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
his life was cut tragically short. But during his brilliant career, Chadwick Boseman portrayed some of the most iconic figures in American history from James Brown and get on up to Jackie Robinson. In 42 Bozeman introduced icons to a whole new generation, and in Black Panther, Bozeman became an icon himself. For a kid growing up in difficult circumstances, it can be hard to imagine a different life. That's why mentorship it's so important just by being a presence in their lives. You're showing these kids that another way is possible. Through your friendship and your example, you can literally change the course of a young person's life. Creating a budget is the first step toward personal financial health. The trick is to be honest and thorough, write down all the expenses that you encourage throughout the month and don't leave anything out. This includes your monthly bills, but also your everyday expenses, like gas and coffee. Next, brought down all your income and compare the two columns. Modern cardiology has taken another step forward with the expanded use of minimally invasive mitral valve surgery. It's a procedure that was first introduced in 2013, providing doctors with a low risk, high reward option for patients who aren't eligible for open heart surgery. And in the last year, advances in technology have made the surgery more accessible than ever.