A Cold Cold Heart .. Psychological thriller Amazon \"Sometimes Evil wears a Suit\"



Audiobook Narration of a best Seller by John Nicholl A well established writer of over a Dozen books.
John Nicholl is an Retired Police officer and Child Protection Officer.
The Setting is South & West Wales Where D.I. Gravel tries to solve a series of Murders .
The Killer has Gravels Daughter in mind as his next Victim.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Charles Turner made in unnecessary adjustment to his old school tie, looked across at his Klan and frowned. So here you are again. Peter, it seems to becoming something of a habit. Peter Spencer shifted in his seat and focused on the wall rather than meet his solicitors. Gays, I thought the ***** would have a Drano statement long before now turn a reason I pro. Maybe she's had enough of being a punch bag. Have you considered that possibility? It wouldn't be surprising if you think about it. There's only so much most people can put up with before they snap. I'll tell her I'm sorry. Buy her some flowers. I promise I'll never do it again. That's usually enough to shut up. But then it happens again. Despite your assurances, despite your well intentioned words of remorse and regret, you do the exact same thing or, worse, alcohol, violence, remorse and repeat that it isn't it. It was only a matter of time before you hear back in my door, and here you are, Peter, Here you are. Spencer swallowed hard, not wanting to sound squeezed or desperate and lose face more than he already had. It's not like I plan to do it. I'm not a violent man by nature. It's the drink I've never touched, though I'm sober, not even once. Then why I drink. That's the obvious question. I'm sure she must have asked you much the same thing. More times. A new care to remember. You drink, you become intoxicated, you lose control. And then you hit her. It's always the same. Has been for years. So why not go tea total and resolve matters once and for all? Just stay off the booze. That's all you've got to do. It doesn't take a genius to work it out. I'd be willing to bet she's begged you to stop drinking. Am I right? Spencer sat in a brooding silence, swelling his resentment and searching for response he couldn't find. Have you tried apologizing on bended knee? Have you thrown yourself on her mercy? Sorry I broke your nose. Tina. Sorry I punched you in the face time and time again. Sorry. Have Bean such a total *******. It's not my fault I was drunk. I won't do it again. That sort of thing