Television Ad


Some of the infomercial work I've done including the national ones for The Shake Weight on line contest and Dan-E.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
do you have what it takes to shake it? $25,000? Says you dio. There's no denying America has fallen in love with the shake weight now an international pop culture phenomenon. But with so much buzz surrounding the product, the shake weight is still without an official soundtrack. Here is your chance to develop the music that millions of shake weight users will be shaking it to for years to come. I created Danny to be in full natural nutritional supplement to take every day, relieve PMS and menopausal symptoms and maintain the energy and positive motivation you need day and night. Danny is available without a prescription at GNC Nationwide or by visiting dandyish e dot com. There's no better time to call, get menopause, select and are one of a kind beauty formula now and take back control of your life. Call. Now you can turn your body until a calorie burning incinerator with keen fit walking poles