I am English speaking, specializing in long and short form narration



This demo includes samples of published work on Audible and works in progress currently

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Amma was the envy of everyone young and old in her Ashanti village in Ottawa Massie, a town in the far west of one of the most beautiful and peaceful countries in africa Ghana. All I wanna do right now is disappear from this place. Now be quiet until we're out of earshot of those two crazy people. We've been trying to get away from all evening. Can you do that for say 10 or 20 minutes? Ask wall. Here we go. I knew it. Yes mother, I can remain quiet for 20 minutes. How about 30, maybe an hour? How'd you like that stated jess in his usual argumentative tone. Let's go for an hour that should about do it. I'm 50 miles south on one oh one trimmings from your shaved head, itching my neck when an egret swoops down low, several cars ahead of me, Traffic is light but oppressive. The birds, long legs probe the air over eight lanes of fast cars. Don't land here bird, I yell from inside my car 13, I can't believe it, I have got a teenager, a real live teenager. Angela Carter enthused her eyes wide and cheerful jake smiled at his mother's proclamation. You don't have to keep saying that, you know, we're almost there, prepare yourselves to lock arms and keep your balance. I will let you know when to brace, he warned as he waved both hands across the face of the bubble, slowing it as they approached what appeared to be an intersection of a great global interstate system brace brace brace, shouted Lahtela Pan as he leaned against the front of the bubble to absorb most of the shockwaves. Holding on for dear life, the three adventurers clasped their hands together and pulled themselves into a tighter ball within the bubble. Outside the protective circle. String Memories, lifetimes of events swirled by as if being shot from a cannon.