English demo to showcase my online ad skill. Conversational. Buddy.

Profile photo for Wikus Botma
Not Yet Rated
Online Ad


This is a demo that I have recorded in studio to showcase my voice and my ability to do online ads.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


South African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What's that? You lost your Internet connection again? Well, my friend, either you're downloading habits need to be curbed. Or you should get a new Internet service provider. I'm with Superspeed Nation, the fastest, most reliable Internet connection on the planet. I can even talk to relatives overseas through the Internet without missing a beat. You're with who? Jason Buddy. They're not quite what they advertise themselves to be, now, are they? Well, there are no surprises. With Internet service provided by Superspeed Nation Superspeed Nation Visit US on super speed nation dot com