Video Game Demo

Profile photo for Will Brood
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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Egyptian North American (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
thieves. City of the Living Crown Jeweller Faeroe Setting home of Imhotep, Pharaoh's high priest, keeper of the dead birthplace. Off Aqsa Mahmood, Earth Year. 2036. Humanity's last war ended in a blast with the world in ruins on Lee Monkeys survived up, abandoned on a devastated planet without bananas, led by five strong monkeys. Theeighties of apes had begun. They re built from the ruins and fought for their survival. There was only one way to go up. Toe. Aim for the banana in the sky to space monkeys. The rockets are ready. The horns are restless. Let's begin a race to space. You all strategic shouldn't be here in the first place. The side of the box reserved for birds only and birds can actually fly through. This is Oliver O Neill With WGN Chicago. We have breaking news that the city of Chicago is being invaded. Thes aggressors have already stolen a helicopter from the Midway Armory and they've been spotted on the subway. The mayor is asking all citizens to join in the fight and protect your city. The battle will begin in 54321 way. Interrupt your mission for an important announcement. The invaders are using Navy Pier as their headquarters