1 Minute Multiad Demo

Profile photo for William Connelly
Not Yet Rated
Online Ad


4 demo ads without music or background noise.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Still trying to get that yard into shape enough is enough. I say a real man isn't afraid of asking for a little help, is he? Well, I know when I called Landscape 911, they helped me out of a real bind. You see my in laws are coming from overseas and we're expecting to see a garden paradise with weeds everywhere. The 21st century has changed the way we organize our lives. We use technology to track how long we've slept, how many steps we've taken and a million milestones in between from when to pick up timmy's birthday cake to when the next report is due. So why do our personal and professional goals still feel so out of reach? Where can you find exotic surroundings, fine dining and a taste of Italy tucked away in downtown London, Antonio's Trattoria serves up food just like mommy used to make. But without the extra helping of guilt, Antonio's has fresh seafood. If it's tuition fees, let me tell you, do I have a deal for you at Gerard's Mbia Institute, we've just slashed the entrance fee by 50%. That's right. It's now officially affordable to get your M. B. A. But you've got to do it now.