Audiobooks Narration Training



My natural age range is 35-55 and I have a warm resonant sincere baritone voice. I am accomplished at relaxed conversational believable attitudes such as friendly calm soothing sentimental folksy story telling caring trustworthy.

I am an excellent directable voice actor and can interpret the emotional subtleties in copy and words and connect emotionally with the listener audience. When you request an emotion in my voice for a certain line I can produce that emotion and subtle variations of it. Some examples might be angry happy sad disapponted satisfied relieved concerned worried confused surprised and more complex emotions such as exasperated jealous envious dejected hopeful amazed and astounded and of course nonplussed.

I do a a variety of accents and dialects including British R.P. Cockney Irish Scottish Australian U.S. Southern (Appalachian and Plantation Drawl) New York Brooklyn Philadelphia Western Cowboy and Old Miner California Surfer Stoner French German Italian Hungarian Swedish Norwegian Russian Spanish etc. (just ask). I do these accents with different pitches and resonances and vocal quirks to create a wide variety of believable entertaining characters with interesting personalities.

I do a wide variety of character voices with age ranges from 3 to 103 with many resonances and speech quirks.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the two boys flew on and on towards the village, speechless with horror. They glanced back over their shoulders from time to time. Apprehensively is, if they feared they might be followed. Every stump started up in their path, seem demand and an enemy and made them catch their breath. And is they sped by? Some outlying cottages that Lanier the village, the barking of the aroused watchdog seem to give wings to their feet. If only we can get to the old tannery before we break down, whispered Tom and short catches between breaths. I can't stand it much longer. Huckleberries, hardpan tings where his only reply And the boys fixed their eyes on the goal of their hopes and bent their will to it. The game steadily on it, and it last. They burst through the open door and fell grateful and exhausted in the sheltering shadows beyond