Freedoms Forge Excerpts Character Narration

Profile photo for K. Scot Maier
Not Yet Rated


Fiction Narration which included accents and a female voice part. Sample purpose only.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Vaillant in My Now Daniel cast back to the British officer. But what will I do? You take a dressing, a man so common flee upon you, madman Wainwright spent go and find yourself in asylum as if the entire continent were not to madhouse enough. He began to twist away, dragging Meg toward the doorway, but felt a poke in his ribs and glanced down. A long blade jutted from beneath. The Scots brought arms, steal the length of a short sword, ran from beneath his crossed arms, closing the bear six inches between them, and touched his rid coated breast. She's 16 inches, Jimmy. Every blessed bid of it, the Scott whispered to him in a voice pitched like a lover's. You have to go through both your lungs one after the other, your heart, and come out the other side to a wager. She's tickling your eighth rib. That's a straight shot through. Trust me, he did believe the man and at the same time accepted that Scott was just the sort of man who could commit the deed. But instead of voicing those thoughts, the lieutenant turned his attention back to the quivering girl at a side desk. Meg, I had more hope for you than to find your in the company of a filthy Scott. Who, in dealing with the English Daniel equipped s court be the best friend a have. What do you mean by that? Impudence says we've guilty Scots who pushed back your Edward Longshanks that felt guilty when they arrested the world, was pissing in their boots at the name of him and stood off your English and pipe point upon flood and field and lost. The lieutenant said sharply, You lost at the end of things over and over. We want it's dabbling bleach. He even a broken clock is right Twice a day, my Scottish vagabond. Those who left the which distinguish brilliance for belligerence will always be disappointed in the end. Now, out of my way. Still, the Scott did not move the short sword. He called a side knife protruding from beneath his arm, ready to burrow through Wainwright's body and rob him of his life in a single effort. The officer smirked, Eva Lee, I can pull this trigger and this treacherous ***** will never see the morning I So you do. Daniel agreed. If the powder off, be not damp. And the load it will done thing if the flint is not just a loose or the framing being a pan and not sitting in the heel of your boot. The Scot trusted warrior of his clan was in his element. Megan held her lower lip tightly so as the hated lieutenant would not see it tremble. But Daniel's voice was hypnotic, and she found herself wondering how the man could sound so calm when she was about to lose her water right here on the floor of the Old South. That difference here, Jimmy, is I know I hold your soul in me hand. As to you and her, it is a less known thing. He turned toward her in a way more animal than human, and she gasped and almost retreated from him. He snatched the pistol from her, offering hands without a word of thanks and almost as an afterthought that long bladed Dirk flashed in the rope that had bound her risk for these last hours, parted blood rushed into her clumsy fingers, a sudden rush of tingling heat that was almost painful. She looked to get a Ferguson heart pounding in her ears and made to whisper her Thanks. But he had no ears for her, his hands flying over the metal pistol, drawing a load for it from the pouch in his belt. Within moments, he reversed it and handed it back to her. Your pistol Meg found in Bachmann's where you left it. If you know, trust me now get use it and be done. Not trust you, Meg. Bottled once again you wrote to my rescue. I I have the night you were lost in the woods. I found you when the lobster backs marched on Cambridge and stole the powder. I answered the clinic and marched with your militia for you. Still you Vaz Elated when that painted love step back. Peacock tried to filch you from the old South in Boston last march. I brought you home with a point of me, Derek. Now I stand once more before you, with blood on the blade and the mark cane upon the soul once more. And I must ask you, do you now trust me? Do you trust me? Know how to have and keep you? Her eyes went dark at the edges. Her heart pounded in her chest. The world swam around him. The world went black. All but him all but that craggy face like the shores of Scotland. And those blue eyes like the sea. Daniel stared at her, watched her eyes that she stood there looking at him and let out a slow breath. Then I shall see you home. Megan Bolger. And without another word, he turned toe walk away from her.