Love Letter to Mancuso's Motorcycle

Profile photo for Lennie Nesby
Not Yet Rated


An excerpt from John Kennedy Toole's Confederacy of Dunces. Describes a scene where Patrolman Mancuso basks in the glory of his patrol motorcycle.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Patrolman Mancuso enjoyed riding the motorcycle up ST Charles Avenue at the precinct. He had borrowed a large and loud one that was all chromium and baby blue at the touch of a switch, it could become a pinball machine of flashing winking blinking red and white lights. The siren, A cacophony of 12 crazed bobcats was enough to make suspicious characters within a half mile radius, defecate in panic and rush for cover. Patrolman Mancuso is love for the motorcycle was platonically intense. The forces of evil generated by the hideous and apparently impossible to uncover underground of suspicious characters, seemed remote to him. In this afternoon, though, the ancient oaks of ST Charles Avenue arched over the avenue like a canopy shielding him from the mild winter sun that splashed and sparkled on the chrome of the motorcycle.