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A talking robot toy holding pliers and a wrench.
Voice Acting
Sample Talking Toys Scripts

The voices you choose for your talking toys is important in order create a believable experience for the user through the toy’s voice.

Woman with brown hair in front of a computer and mic, looking at a voice script for a commercial.
Voice Over Sample Scripts for Clients and Voice Talent

Use these free voice over sample scripts to help write your next voice over script or use them to practice your voice over skills.

An old Sony Trinitron TV representing the best TV commercials of the 2000s.
The Best TV Commercials from the 2000s

TV commercials in the 2000s promoted brands that would help the global financial crisis. Here, we review the best commercials of the 2000s.

A photo of Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy.
Who is the Voice of Groot?

In this blog, we’ll look at who is the voice of Groot, a sentient tree-like being known as a Flora colossus, in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy series.

An animated image that says 'The Best Radio Ads of 1980s'
The Best Radio Ads of the 1980s

The 1980s was an era marked by big hair, neon colors, and catchy tunes. It was also a transformative period for radio advertising.

A woman with dark hair holds her headphones and is singing, while looking away from her microphone.
What’s the Average Length of a Jingle?

What's the average length of a jingle? Let's dig into some of the best and learn what makes these jingles into earworms for listeners.

An animated cowboy wearing a yellow outfit tips his brown hat as he smiles towards the camera.
Voice Acting
Who is the Voice of Woody (Toy Story)?

The ‘Toy Story’ franchise had many iconic voice actors. One of those voice actors provides the voice of Woody. So, who is the voice of Woody?

Stained glass window of Maleficent the witch from Disney's Sleep
Who Are The Top 10 Disney Villains?

Whatever the reason for the current uptick and trend of villains, we’re here to break down the top ten Disney villains of all time.

talking toys
Voice Acting
Exploring What Makes a Great Talking Toy

To design talking toys that meet the needs of today’s children, we have to become more innovative - through choosing the right voice.

students their hands in a classroom
How Do Teachers Use Alexa in the Classroom?

Amazon's Alexa helps creates a dynamic learning environment through its amazing features. Learn how teachers are using Alexa in the classroom.

A man sits surrounded by studio tech gear like headphones, a soundboard, a preamp and speakers. You can see the man's hands and arms only as the operate the computer and the preamp.
Voice Acting
What’s on Your Studio Tech Gear Wish List?

Looking for something new to put in your booth? Learn about the studio tech gear that top talent can't live without!

a golden film reel and unraveling film
Voice Acting
Academy Award for Best Picture – Nomination...

Can you predict which films will be nominated for an Oscar? We analyze the nominees for Best Picture and draw comparisons.

Showing 1-12 of 14 Articles