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An illustration depicts laptops in many colors
Voice Acting
UX Design: What it is and Why You Should Care

It's not just for techies. Find out what User Experience Design is, and why every business - and employee - should care.

a golden film reel and unraveling film
Voice Acting
Academy Award for Best Picture – Nomination...

Can you predict which films will be nominated for an Oscar? We analyze the nominees for Best Picture and draw comparisons.

A close up of a fan-made R2D2 robot
Voice Acting
Life as an Astromech: How a Film Fan is Giving Back...

You never know how your passion projects and life’s ambitions will intersect. How a fan built an R2D2 to spec and is using it to give back.

Mark Vogelsang and Stephanie Ciccarelli share a laugh
Voice Acting
Sound Considerations for Creating Award and...

Do you dream of having your film project recognized for festival showings and awards? Read these sound design tips for winning submissions.

A young woman shows her mother an example of a project she has taken on at work
Voice Acting
Your Workplace: Why You Should ‘Bring in Your...

Do your parents understand what you do? Linkedin's Bring In Your Parents Day allows you to show them what you do. Voices is participating.

A group of several people with different ages
Voice Acting
Does Age Discrimination Affect Voice Actors?

How much does an actor's age figure into a casting decision? A new law prohibits entertainment websites from posting an actor's age.

File Management
New Features! File Management Made Easier at Voices

We made a "drag and drop a file" feature for our clients that have multiple file uploads, and now also allow larger file size uploads!

podcasts from voices of the industry panels
Voice Acting
Podcast: Generating and Maintaining Business

Tommy Griffiths, a skilled voice actor, recently moderated a panel discussion on maintaining connections with clients and retaining clients for repeat business.

podcasts from voices of the industry panels
Voice Acting
Podcast: Running Your Own Business

Tommy Griffiths, a skilled voice actor , recently moderated a panel discussion on how to run and grow your voice acting business.

podcasts from voices of the industry panels
Voice Acting
Podcast: Customer Service Philosophies

Tommy Griffiths, a skilled voice actor, recently moderated a panel discussion on how to build relationships with clients and other critical aspects to customer...

Making Money
Podcast: The Role of Rates in the VO Industry

Bruce Kronenberg, Co-owner of Abacus entertainment recently moderated a panel discussion on the role rates play in the voice over industry.

People excited to see a box office movie
Voice Acting
What’s the #1 Secret Ingredient for Box Office...

What films gross the most to achieve box office success? Is there a formula or pattern that screenwriters can follow? Find out here.

Showing 265-276 of 289 Articles