Rock Radio Show Promo | Attitude + Friendly + Funny

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This is a promo that I wrote, voiced and produced for a radio show I've hosted in Prince Edward Island.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
All right, saddle up. We'll do this once more on Friday for the phone it in Friday edition of the Midday Here on cue. My name is Adam Ramsay, and if you join me on weekend Eve, all bring along the snacks rock tracks that'll help to distract from the remaining hours of work left in the week less, I promise not to drive again on Friday. I plan on making amends. There's something I owe someone a big apology for, and I'll do it in front of all of you. Live right here on the mid A. Plus, guys, if you're getting ready to tie the knot or maybe just looking for some bling, I'll introduce you to the man ring. You want to know how to score one of these? It's harder, better, faster, stronger. Kind of. It's phoned in Friday edition of The Men Day from 10 to 2. Only here, on your home of the island's rock to 93