Jas Patrick - Impressionistic - Politicians to Rockstars - Gravitas to Amusing

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Just a whole lot of fun here! They're gravelly, gritty, smooth, cultured, sophisticated, drunk, energetic, measured, booming, soft spoken and tons more!
We've got some Kennedy-esque type stuff (of course!), as well as other politicians; but we also have rockstars and actors and monsters and hedonists!

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US New England - Boston, Providence)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
All right, all right. If you're looking for something about slag a little crazy, kind of dirty your family, you came to the right place. I would like to do one for the kids I present to you, Mickey Mouse. Hi, I'm Mickey Mouse. Yeah, Why the constant struggle and get a top e mean whatthe Bottoms up. There's always say many. What do you really need? I mean, you need Yeah. You need some chicks. May be a party in seven. **** for everyone. No, but it's certainly good for citing Thanks. So hire me. Well, feel a golf greetings. No, no, they're frightened. I don't know the bite. And I only drink Coca Cola. Many voice actors are quite impressed with themselves. Naturally. And their Kennedy impression, which is fine. But you see, this voice is really on ly good for raunchy behaviour and bad language. How delightfully decadent feelings off. Oh, yes, yes. I'll also read whatever you wish, you silly person. Now away with you. I must have my gelatin bath