Silly Mall Security Guard

Television Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Mid-Atlantic) North American (US Western) Spanish (Central American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
No, that is not true. Your honor would happen Was I explained to the woman that I was an official unofficial self license, more security officer, and that it was my jurisdiction from the 1000 side of the mall from where the dark Martin shop starts to the orange Julius to protect that area. Now, I told her if she refused to pick up her napkin, she would be banned from that orange Julius until I saw that she was fit enough to clean up after herself. It was then that she began making fun of my list, and that is when I taste her. I handcuffed her and left her in the elevator because being a Jewish Christian, a person who celebrates Chrismukkah, Christmas and Hanukkah together, or how it is widely known as Han Imus, I did not want any physical harm to come to her. She just so happened to wake up handcuffed, and she actually was very ****** off because no one knew she was in there because it was time for me to go on my lunch break that it's what happened, and I'm sticking by my story